About Paul Passing Through

Welcome to Paul Passing Through! I carved out this little corner of the Internet to share my travel experiences and advice.

I’m just a regular person who loves to travel, write and write about travel. I don’t do fast travel. I don’t do slow travel. I just do good old-fashioned travel like the rest of you.

Not that there’s anything wrong with those things. They’re great! If I could do slow travel, I’d do it. However, I’m just like you. I work a 9-5, I have a limited amount of PTO/holiday time, and I’m trying to figure out how to make the most of what I have while seeing as much of the world as I can.

Here’s a Bit More About Who I Am

michelle and me at the grand canyon

I’m from a small town about an hour south of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I’m a graduate of West Virginia University where I received my Bachelor of Science in biology and then the University of Pittsburgh where I received my Doctor of Physical Therapy. We’ve bounced around a bit and have lived in Durham, North Carolina before moving back northeast to Princeton, New Jersey.

I’ve always had a desire to travel but didn’t really start until the mid-2010s once I was working. Since starting, I’ve taken advantage of any chance I can to go on a trip to somewhere new. I know my list of where I’ve been isn’t nearly as extensive as some other blogs out there, but it is constantly growing!

When I’m not working, traveling or working on this website, I spend the rest of my time reading, hiking, running, kayaking, writing in my journal or just enjoying some downtime with Michelle, now three cats and pup. I also spend a lot of time cheering on my hometown West Virginia University Mountaineers and Pittsburgh sports teams.

Why Paul Passing Through and What to Expect

You can expect stories from my travels, my travel itineraries and all my travel advice and tips. But isn’t that what most travel blogs are about?

Paul Passing Through is about realistic travel advice for the rest of us. People who can do slow travel or nomadic travel are great, but that’s not the case for most everyone. I’m also not out there just traveling from place to place as quick as I can to check off boxes.

I’m here to share my experiences and strategies to making the most of the time I have to travel while still getting to experience the best of wherever I’m at. These are itineraries and tips to make your own travels meaningful, fun and doable.

Which brings me to my blog’s name of Paul Passing Through. This name perfectly describes my mission and goals as a traveler. I show up and experience what I can before making my way through to another city. It’s how most of us travel. I’m just here to write about it to inspire everyone else.

A Note on My Photos

I have strong feelings about travel photos. A quick look through social media and you’ll see tons of hyperedited and enhanced photos. Unfortunately, these types of photos can give people unrealistic expectations of what to expect when they travel.

I believe in keeping all my photos original, unedited and unenhanced. I want things to look how they look so you know what to expect. My photos may be cropped, but that’s it. You can rest easy knowing my photos are 100% real!

Want to Know More?

Feel free to reach me via my contact page if you’d like to collaborate, work with me in any other capacity, have travel questions, or simply want to learn more about me.

You can also visit me on my Instagram or Twitter pages where I post daily content and love to talk with others who share my passion of travel.

boats on the horizon as the sun sets over the ocean
Sunset in Key West